KMS Daily Announcements 11/7/19

KMS Daily Announcements 11/7/19

Thursday, November 7  Day 6

Today for lunch is spaghetti & meatballs and roasted zucchini

Clarinets and Flutes have sectionals today.  Remember to check in with your teacher before coming down.
Period 1 - 8th Grade
Period 2 - 6th Grade
Period 8 - 7th Grade
Small Ensemble sectionals will begin next week. There are no band sectionals tomorrow.

The Jazz Improv Workshop with Mrs. Hahs and George Robinson meets tomorrow in the Band Room from 2:30-3:15! You do not have to be in jazz band to participate, but do need to know how to play an instrument. Staff are welcome to join in, too!  

CELLO & BASS sectionals are today:
6th Grade - Period 1
7th Grade - Period 2
8th Grade - Period 8

Reminder to students participating in the Cyber Robotics Competition:  The  competition round ends tonight and team qualifiers begins on Friday!  May the code be with you!

The NJHS Golden Can drive is underway. They are accepting stuffing, cranberry sauce, canned veggies, etc.  The cluster that donates the most food in total will receive the coveted Golden Can Award.  Help us out by donating food and let's fill Ms. Zilkes office with lots of cans!

The IMC will be closed after school today.  Please go directly to the bus room.

Basketball tryouts TODAY
8th grade Boys 3:00-4:00
7th grade Boys 4:00-5:00
6th grade Boys 5:00-6:00
All girls 6:00-7:30

Wrestling tryouts begin November 20th.

7th grade intramural volleyball will run all this week.  Come down and have some fun after school.

Attention all skiers and snowboarders.  Did you know that Crotched Mountain's Rocket is the fastest base to summit lift in all of New England?  It's also home to 3 terrain parks and over 100 skiable acres at night. It's not too late to sign up for the KMS ski and snowboard club.  You can sign up anytime before January, but we are making it our goal to get everyone signed up before Thanksgiving break.  Please see Mr. Fazio or Mr. Pierce for information about how to sign up.  This is not a school sponsored event.  

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