KMSOCAC » Outdoor Classroom and Activity Center

Outdoor Classroom and Activity Center

Keene Middle School Outdoor Classroom and Activity Center

Keene's new middle school overlooks Tenant Swamp, one of the richest wildlife areas and most significant historical sites in southwestern New Hampshire. Our outdoor classroom and activity center will lead a continuing initiative to develop students' capacity, and their enduring commitment, to serve as stewards of the natural and cultural resources in our community. Read More by clicking here.
The construction phase of the boardwalk is now complete, and we are currently seeking donations for the following:
  • Educational opportunities for our youth and community:
    • We have begun to have The Harris Center host a year of OCAC educational workshops for public and private schools in the area. Thirty six workshops will be offered year round to classrooms who wish to participate. We are truly excited to offer this opportunity to all schools in the area with the goal that as youth learn more about this unique place, they will care about it, and protect it as they grow older. 
      Providing public adult and family opportunities in the evenings, such as guided birding and nature tours are included in this option.

  • Nature signage that will be added in 2016 which includes:
    • Introductory sign with map, Paleoindian sign, Plant and Animal signs, plus others. We are working with a graphic artist and Vackers sign fabricators to enhance visitors experience of the boardwalk.
Maintenance trust fund to be used to make future repairs. You can count that the boardwalk will be kept in excellent condition for years to come.
Opportunities to have you, or your organization named on the curbing of the boardwalk begin at $350.00.
Naming opportunities celebrate our local businesses, foundations and individuals who support stewardship, education, accessible recreation and quality of life for our community members in the Monadnock region.
New naming documents are now complete, thanks to an in-kind donation by Lynn Stanford of Ampersand. 
Please click here if you would like to download a copy or email us at [email protected] if you would like to receive a copy in the mail.
Naming opportunities celebrate our local businesses, foundations and individuals who support stewardship, education, accessible recreation and quality of life for our community members in the Monadnock region. New naming documents are now complete, thanks to an in-kind donation by Lynn Stanford of Ampersand.

Please click here if you would like to download a copy or email us at [email protected] if you would like to receive a copy in the mail.