Health and Physical Education » Health and Physical Education

Health and Physical Education

Health Education

Health education teaches about physical, mental, emotional and social health. It builds students' knowledge, skills and positive attitudes about health. Health education motivates students to improve and maintain their health, prevent disease, and reduce risky behaviors.

Major Units of Focus for Grade 6 (Core Concepts):

  • Introduction to health
  • Alcohol and tobacco
  • Changes in puberty for boys and girls/hygiene/basic anatomy
  • Safety and Injury Prevention
  • Disease and Disease Prevention
  • Healthy eating and being active

Major Units of Focus for Grade 7 (Core Concepts):

  • Wellness and Goal Setting
  • Environmental health
  • Fitness and Nutrition
  • Communication Skills
  • Safety and Injury Prevention
  • Substance abuse prevention- Project Alert

Major Units of Focus for Grade 8 (Core Concepts):

  • Wellness
  • Stress and stress management
  • Finding health resources
  • Family life and sexuality- anatomy, relationships, prevention of disease and pregnancy
  • Bullying prevention
  • Substance abuse
At all grade levels,the content and assessments are linked to the National and State Standards for Health Education.


Students evaluations include quizzes, projects, and classroom activities and assignments. Generally no homework is assigned; however any class work that is not completed must be completed as homework. Late work will be accepted for reduced credit of 5 points per day.

Physical Education

The physical education program is an integral part of our students total educational process. The program provides a framework in which the students can develop physically, mentally, socially and emotionally. Through physical education experiences students have the opportunity to gain knowledge, fitness skills, enhance well-being, and to acquire skills that promote a healthy lifestyle.