School Counseling » Student Assistance Program (SAP)

Student Assistance Program (SAP)

Contact Us -  (603) 357-9020, x5012


What is SAP

The SAP gives students a place to talk confidentially about alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. The SAP also provides school-wide prevention education, activities and small groups for students. Students can self-refer, a parent can refer their child, or school staff can refer a student.
Students, parents and staff can reach the SAP Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students may also ask Ms. Damico in the guidance office to make a confidential appointment, or just stop by. Parents are also encouraged to call with questions, concerns or suggestions.

Parent Information

A Confidential Space - NH Law states that minors who are at least 12 years of age may see the SAP without parental consent. Confidential meetings allow students to open up, ask questions and seek support more easily. You will be seeing updates in the school newsletter about school-wide substance abuse prevention themes, as well as opportunities for students to get involved with peer-to-peer prevention and education.
Click here for more information on SAU29's Comprehensive School Counseling Program